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It is our great pleasure to announce that Dr. Max Limper, CEO of DGG, has been officially elected to the position of co-chair of the Asset Creation TSG within the Khronos 3D Commerce working group.

The 3D Commerce group has the support of more than 80 industry-leading retailers, technology vendors and manufacturers. Created to align the industry, enabling streamlined 3D content creation, management and display in online retail, it is currently the most powerful and influential working group in this area world-wide. Being closely related to the Khronos group’s work on glTF, the most popular format for 3D content on the Web, the Asset Creation TSG of the 3D Commerce working group is focused on the creation of standards and streamlined workflows that will help retailers all around the world to build robust, efficient and scalable processes and pipelines for 3D creation and the generation of content that is ready for real-time rendering on multiple delivery platforms.

For this purpose, the group is currently creating 3D Asset Creation Guidelines, covering topics such as file formats, coordinate systems, geometry, materials, textures, lighting and publishing targets. As announced recently, a sneak peek preview of these guidelines has just been made available via an executive summary version on GitHub.

Max Limper is a 3D graphics expert and a software engineer by education. Having been awarded his PhD for a thesis on automated 3D data optimization for the Web, he is very excited about this chance to actively participate in a unique effort to shape the standard 3D workflows of tomorrow, today.

Max said: “Looking forward to learning more about the practical requirements and challenges that retailers face every day when trying to cope with tens of thousands of 3D assets – a topic that is also a key part of our work at DGG. Working on RapidCompact with these requirements in mind, we are confident that we will be able to push the state of the art even further forward in the coming months, simplifying not only the 3D assets, but also the daily life of retailers working to build scalable workflows for 3D content creation and delivery.”

Good luck with your new position, Max, and congratulations to the 3D Commerce group for their great efforts so far!

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