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Let´s take a look back to the year 2022 and review what has happened within the last 12 months.

With a larger team, more RapidCompact features, an important milestone and more happy clients, 2022 can be considered a very successful year. Despite the rather difficult times we currently have worldwide, DGG has grown in size, revenue and product features. The benefits that we bring to enterprise and studio clients have enabled our clients to solve pressing problems and save money – which is always relevant.

Below we share more detailed insights about what happened at DGG in 2022 with numbers, events and more.


The year 2022 in numbers 


We´re very happy that we found 8 great new employees last year, increasing the team size to 20 people end of 2022. The team has grown in almost every department: development, marketing, project management and operations, to provide great support for our growing customer base, develop new features for our product RapidCompact and improve our marketing efforts.  

In June we surpassed a major milestone of 1.000.000 optimizations through our platform so far.  

And we were also seeing a huge increase in sign-ups on our cloud solution. With over 1.600 new sign-ups the total numbers of users has grown significantly. 

RT3Dexperts report 

In January, we published a detailed report on our blog about our online event “RT3Dexperts” from a month before. The videos of the playlist with all 6 speakers can be viewed on YouTube. 

The DGG team grows to 20 people 

At the beginning of the year, it was clear that we needed help in many areas to support our growth. So we posted several jobs on our Career page and promoted the open positions. The first new hire and on-boarding happened in April with a total of 8 new hires until the end of 2022. 

We´re still looking for good people, so if you´re interested in 3D deep tech, please take a look at our open positions. 

New blog series: Model of the Month 

In March we launched a new blog series Model of the Month. The goal of this series is to demonstrate and explain new and special features of RapidCompact.  The series illustrates to our users how they can stay on the edge with the latest innovations in 3D, using RapidCompact, and get the best out of their own cutting-edge 3D projects. Here is a selection of the main feature topics: 

More “Model of the Month” posts will follow in 2023. 

We were honored that our first 3D Model of the Month has been added to the Khronos Group glTF Sample Model library, illustrating the usage of the glTF point lights extension: 

Khronos Group 3D Standards Consortium

A mil(lion)stone 

In June 2022, we reached a major milestone, or rather millionstone: 


3D models have been processed, optimized and converted with RapidCompact. Sometimes numbers speak louder than anything else, so we’re happy that our product is working well for so many customers and that it proves that RapidCompact can work ´at scale´.  

DGG joins the Metaverse Standards Forum… 

…and therefore, becomes part of an industry-wide forum consisting of Standards organizations like the Khronos Group, the World Wide Web Consortium and the Open Geospatial Consortium. All organizations and companies follow the vision of the development of an open and inclusive metaverse for everyone, a vision we also share. 

For more on the goals and technology areas of the Metaverse Standards Forum, here is our blog post about this announcement. 

SIGGRAPH 2022 in Vancouver 

For the first time we had a booth at SIGGRAPH 2022. SIGGRAPH is by far the most recognized industry event for computer graphics since 1974. We were excited to have a good number of team members onsite in Vancouver to demonstrate RapidCompact, show new features and talk to potential and existing customers. Take a closer look at our blog post about Siggraph here. 

RTS – RealTime Society and RTC – Realtime Conference 

In October, we announced a partnership with the RealTime Society, creator of the RealTime Conference. The RealTime Conference (RTC) is the world’s premiere event for Real-Time Technologies. It is a worldwide highly visited online event with masterclasses, workshops, panels and discussions about the newest topics and trends on realtime graphics.  The RealTime Society (RTS) has the mission to serve and strengthen the global realtime 3D community. 

Furthermore, Max and Felix Limper curated and moderated a session on Retail and 3D Commerce at the year’s RealTime Conference, with speakers from companies such as NVIDIA, HP, Shopify, and Otto Group. 

More events: AWE Europe, glTF Webinar, Autodesk University

While SIGGRAPH was the most important event for us this year, we participated in many more events. Our head of product, Julian Neagu, was invited as a speaker at the Autodesk University, participating in a panel discussion with NVIDIA and others. Our CEO Max Limper held a talk at the virtual Khronos Group glTF Webinar and AWE Europe in Lisbon, together with our friends from CGTrader.  

Khronos glTF Webinar Fall 2022

We were honored and excited that we helped others with our knowledge and that we were able to talk about our platform and solutions. Of course we also participated to stay up to date ourselves and to exchange ideas with like-minded people in similar industries. 

New Case Studies 

In the past year, we acquired many new customers and established exciting new partnerships. Three selected case studies illustrate just a part of this – putting RapidCompact at the finger tips of more than 1.75M merchants at Shopify, and more! Read more about: 

How to optimize your 3D models for virtual worlds with Muse and RapidCompact 


How Shopify & RapidCompact Enable the Next-Generation 3D Online Storefront 

Shopify Case Study


How to optimize historical 3D objects from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin with RapidCompact 

RapidCompact Museum für Naturkunde Case Study

We are looking forward to more case studies this year that show what is possible with RapidCompact and to introducing our partners and clients.  

Internal Workshop – MOPS week ‘22 

Another great success was our yearly conducted internal workshop – the MOPS week ‘22. It took place in October and dealt with the fields of Marketing, Operations, Product and Science. It was great to bring all DGG employees together and to talk about the future of 3D with RapidCompact during talks, interactive sessions including a poster session, as well as on a dedicated VR experience playground and – last but not least – during our annual company party. 

DGG team

What the workshop has to do with the dog breed pug (German: “Mops”) and at the beginnings of RapidCompact is worth a look at the website of DGG’s CEO Max Limper. 

Website Relaunch in November 

We worked hard on a completely new version of the RapidCompact website with a simpler structure, more images and better descriptions. At the beginning of November, finally, the new website went live. It is faster, simpler to use and contains more information about what RapidCompact is and how it helps our users. 

More details can be found in our blogpost about the website launch. 

New Website Mock-Up

RapidCompact Updates 

There was no shortage of significant updates to RapidCompact in 2022. We released 12 updates in total with two major updates in August and November. These updates brought useful new features to our customers, including an Augmented Reality option, better USD support, improved uploading of files and many more improvements to the CORE processing that help customers to process their 3D models more efficiently. Here is a detailed list of changes in our changelog. 

Model of the Month – Gingerbread House 

To close out the year, we shared a sweet Model of the Month. This time we prepared a 3D scanned gingerbread house for web and AR, which looks tasty but doesn´t add weight to our body 😉  


We celebrated the success of 2022 with a Christmas party and internal reviews of what we accomplished and what lies ahead. The goals for 2023 are clear and we look forward to building up on the success of 2022! 

Try the free demo or get in touch!

Upload and process 3D models with the free web demo or get in touch if you have any question. We´re happy to help…

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