RapidCompact is now RapidPipeline - learn more


Thank you to everyone who joined us at SIGGRAPH 2021.

RapidCompact offers quick and automated optimization of 3D data for real-time applications. With the free plan, you can start right away processing your 3D models. Simply sign up to our platform and begin processing!

RapidCompact forum

Our user guide helps you getting started. The platform documentation answers most questions already with small videos and explanations about the features. If some topics remain unclear, check out our new forum. Here, users can ask about features and functionality and receive help from the RapidCompact community.

We are available at our SIGGRAPH booth from Tuesday to Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. PDT (19:00-21:00 CET). But you might also be lucky to meet us in between. If you have access to the exhibition already, you can find our booth here.

To find out how some of our users integrate RapidCompact and how they benefit from its capabilities, you will discover case-studies in our blog. For interviews with industry leaders, insights into 3D pipelines and more on how to scale 3D processes, read up the articles in the section Scalable 3DMore video content is available at our YouTube channel.

If you are interested in hearing the latest news about RapidCompact, make sure to follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn, where we also will be present during SIGGRAPH 2021.

Registration Procedure

If you got a discount code for SIGGRAPH 2021, here are the steps to register for free, in order to attend the virtual exhibition:

1. Starting from the SIGGRAPH 2021 homepage, select the “Basic” registration level to start the registration process:

2. Pick the “Contributor Registration” option (even if you’re not a contributor yourself ;):

3. Enter the discount code!

4. If everything went fine, you should see a free option for registration: