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3D Pipeline Day 2020

Learn and Exchange about Industry-Scale 3D Pipelines!

3D Pipeline Day Scalable Processes 2020

The 3D Pipeline Day is a networking and tech event, and all about scalable 3D pipelines for massive-scale 3D use cases. It takes place September 11, 2020. Apart from talks from our RapidCompact data optimization team, we have invited retailers, 3D configurator creators and 3D scanning companies. The event is free of charge for RapidCompact customers and DGG’s contractual partners (89€ / 49€ conference fee for other on-site / online participants).

For the physical event, the Welcome Hotel Darmstadt**** will host the meeting and also provide opportunity for accommodation (in case you want to arrive the night before, or stay another night). Their team has established a dedicated concept for events during the COVID-19 pandemic, including enlarged meeting spaces for keeping distance rules. Catering during the event is going to be included for all participants.